2017 年雲端服務市場的最新趨勢


在即將結束的 2016 年內,越來越多公司開始試用雲端服務,並且其成本也沒有最初時高,雲端服務從最初的高端產品被普及成時下企業必備的設備之一。這種變化相信在 2017 年會更加急速,畢竟不少企業都希望透過雲端服務來強化企業的核心業務系統,以及改善用戶的體驗度。 1.雲端服務的成本將會越來越低 如今的雲端服務已可依據用戶的需求而支付,你用多少就給多少錢,而在即將來臨的 2017 年裡,基於用戶需求的雲端服務會更多,並且其成本將會更為便宜。 2.雲端服務供應商跟企業間的溝通會更方便 隨著雲端服務技術的不斷革新,2017 年的雲端服務將會變得更加便利,企業跟雲端服務供應商間的溝通也更為快捷跟方便,一旦企業所購買的雲端服務出現問題,供應商將可即時迅速地把問題解決掉。 3.雲端服務將會更個性化 不同行業對雲端服務都有不同的需求,2017 年雲端服務市場將會更多地基於企業的個性化需求而提供相關的配置,雲端服務供應商將企業所需的技術都存放在伺服器上,企業的員工只需透過雲端服務來共同協作,這不僅可以省下一大筆硬件管理費用,還可提高大家的工作效率。 2017 年將會是雲端服務嶄新的一年,香港中小型企業得好好做好準備。 延伸閱讀: 中小企業應如何透過 WordPress 快速輕鬆建站 伺服器虛擬化的5個優勢

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Facing the competitive market, more and more hosting companies launch cheap hosting, which seems the price is really low. However SME should be careful when they think they are reducing their cost with these cheap products, because most of them might not offer you the supports, as a result when there occurs issues then you need ...

Website latency : Why is It important to have low latencies!!!


Fed up with the ‘loading….’ alert on your screen? The long visible delays are always frustrating and irritating and gives a negative impression to your customers if your websites are not hosted on faster machines with low latencies. And proximity i.e. the distance of your website visitors from the data center is one of the ...

Advantages of Cloud Server Hosting


When even an hour of IT system downtime can cost the organization more than it can afford to lose, what will the organization do in the event that a natural disaster destroys its IT systems completely? Here comes the Cloud Server Solution that will give access to critical business information and IT systems that are ...

Cloud Data Storage… No need to panic for Backups!!!


Ever had a problem with having backups on your external hard disk. Even there is a limit to what can be stored on hard disks and eventually you have to go by priority , what data to be stored and what to be deleted. Nonetheless there’s as they say there’s always a way out and ...

FAQs on Cloud Server


1. What is cloud server hosting? Basically, cloud computing is nothing but a set of multiple servers that are connected over the Internet for delivering pooled computing resources that are needed on demand. As opposed to traditional hosting services that limit the use to a single server, the users can access multiple servers and scale ...

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How much traffic can cloud server hosting handle?


When it comes to selecting cloud computing services, it is necessary to keep a check on the budget and get an affordable service. This is important as costs need to be handled when running any business. Hosting is the first thing that tends to increase the cost of any business. These days, people tend to ...

Advantages of web hosting for small business


Think your business has reached its maximum potential through physical and personal marketing and sales strategies? Thing again, because if you haven’t tapped the tremendous potential that the web has to offer, then you haven’t done it all! Every business, especially the smaller ones should own a website to reach out to potential customers around ...